Friday, March 10

Attempt to spark discussion

Relatively good news this week: The American armed forces have said that they will close the infamous Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq. Of course, with Guantanamo Bay and less well known detention centres in operation, this may be more of an exercise in public relations management than a demonstration of a genuine commitment to human rights.

Relatively bad news: President Bush struck a nuclear deal with India, largely sweeping away the restrictions put in place following its testing of nuclear weapons. The deal is evidence that the period of condemnation following the development of nuclear weapons is relatively short and likely to be truncated for short-term political reasons. Also, like the failure to pursue the reduction of existing weapons stock and experimentation on new designs, the provision of nuclear materials to India violates America's commitments under the Non-Proliferation Treaty.

South Dakota passed a law criminalizing all forms of abortion in which the life of the mother is not at risk. Through the inevitable series of court challenges, the issue will once again be presented to the Supreme Court, where a danger exists that the legally questionable but highly important precedent of Roe v. Wade will be overturned.

For no particularly good reason, the bid of DP World, a firm from the United Arab Emirates, to buy P&O Ports, owner of six major ports in the United States, has been withdrawn due to political opposition. The Dubai-based company would have been subject to the same security requirements as American firms. This outcome seems to be a reflection of the kind of generalized hostility towards the Muslim world that exists in the Western liberal democracies, despite the efforts of leaders to stress that their objection is to terrorism, not to Islam.

Posted by Milan at 4:59 PM  


  1. Anonymous posted at 5:36 PM, March 10, 2006  
    One clear reason for opposition to the ports deal among Democrats is that it allows them to pander to racists while maintaining the ability to deny that they're doing so. This is usually an area where Republicans shine.
  2. B posted at 5:43 PM, March 10, 2006  
    First off - I object to the obsessive focus on American foreign policy here. It may be the news that you choose to pay attention to, but it certainly isn't all the news that's fit to print.

    You're right that the prison closure is all but meaningless when the administration retains the mad belief that the President is allowed to torture people and the the Geneva Conventions shouldn't apply within the war on terror.

    You're probably wrong about the nuclear thing, since the NPT is dead anyways and everyone knows it. The US hasn't taken it seriously for decades - if it ever did - and you can be sure China, France, and Russia don't. All happily provided nuclear technology and know-how that ended up advancing weapon development in various dodgy states. Think of the Orisak reactor in Iraq or American aid to the Israeli (and French) nuclear weapons programs. In the long term, trying to get India broadly on side is probably a good move by the US.
  3. Anonymous posted at 7:38 PM, March 10, 2006  
    sibilance is associated most often with speech impediments... having spent many years in speech therapy and then acting and voice lessons I managed to overcome the habit of introducing myself as 'Athley Sorvalthin'. I think I take your blog's title to be that sharp intake of breath that people make in reaction to shock or disapproval or wonder. I realized that my speech may have been genetic; I easily absorbed the pronounciation of Icelandic dominated by the 'eth' and 'thorn' [athens, mother, TH sounds respectively] after a lifetime of correcting that sounds an dusing in appropriately in English.

    So when I think 'sibilant intake of breath' the intake in question may be ocular instead of respiratory and the sibilance changing breath to breas/t-h.

    Is that too convoluted to be clever?
  4. B posted at 8:27 PM, March 10, 2006  
    That's a really cool interpretation. I like it.

    I think the title of the blog is lifted directly from Nabokov. Interestingly, it's not from a section of Lolita about Humbert and Dolores, but rather from a section describing the child Humbert and Annabel. Both a Nabokov and a Poe reference, then.
  5. Anonymous posted at 9:16 PM, March 10, 2006  
    A section which I note to be quite graphic: in that literary sort of way.
  6. Anonymous posted at 11:18 PM, March 10, 2006  
    "B" and Milan:
    For the record, the "administration" is hardly monolithic in its position on torture and the Geneva Conventions. The Defense Department has held the position for some time that the Geneva Conventions must apply; if you do some research on the last guy in charge of Detainee Affairs in the Pentagon, you'll find that out. It's trite, disappointing, and unproductive to find posts/comments on a blog of this caliber which abandon nuance and insight for oversimplification.
  7. Milan posted at 11:21 PM, March 10, 2006  
    All I said is that I'm not sure if this "demonstrates a genuine commitment to human rights."

    The simple denial of due legal process - even in the absence of torture - constitutes such a violation. While there are surely dissenting voices, especially in the uniformed services, the present policy of the United States does not reflect a respect for human rights.
  8. B posted at 12:11 AM, March 11, 2006  
    The International Committee of the Red Cross has charged in confidential reports to the United States government that the American military has intentionally used psychological and sometimes physical coercion "tantamount to torture" on prisoners at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba.


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