Un jour lent
General school stuff
Portions of two scholarship applications got finished this morning. So far, such efforts have not yielded the cost of postage expended so far in applying, but I am hopeful this tide can be turned. I also read up on British tenancy law, which seems to be reasonably straightforward, though somewhat different from its Canadian equivalent. We will need to pay attention to getting a good tenancy agreement for the flat we will hopefully be renting for the summer and next year.
I should probably volunteer to write a paper for Dr. Hurrell next week. I can write it on the constructivism question, on the basis of the readings and the core seminar discussion. That way, I won't have two papers due in seventh week, when the second core seminar paper for this term is due. I can write that on the topic for the seventh week discussion.
Upcoming talk
There is a talk this coming Thursday that I will be attending and encourage anyone who is interested to attend as well:
“The impact and role of major international scientific assessments on global environmental governance”Given that is is very closely related to my intended thesis topic, I will certainly be attending.
Dr Robert Watson, Chief Scientist, The World Bank
Thursday 23rd Feb, 5.15pm
Martin Wood Lecture Theatre: adjacent to the Clarendon Laboratory on Parks Road at the corner with Keble Road.
New Oxford Craigslist
Andy Kim, a member of my program, has apparantly brought about the creation of a Craigslist for Oxford. According to him, it is "for housing, selling things, and all sorts of other weird things that generally happen on craigslist. It has its pluses and minuses, but I think it generally makes for a better connected community. " Oxfordians should consider having a look. There isn't much there yet, but I am sure that will change with time.
It's not a service I've used myself, but I remember that Zandara found her really cool flat in Vancouver through it, so it must have its uses.
- I am sure everyone remembers about the bloggers' gathering on Tuesday, but I thought I should plug it again anyhow. If I am going to miss the Strategic Studies Group meeting for it, there had better be at least a few people there.
- Ainsley Harriott flavoured cous cous makes a really good snack, especially if you add some olive oil. You can get four or five bowls of the stuff for the price of a Sainsbury's sandwich. The "Spice Sensation" flavour is especially good, and reminds me of Indian food.
- Google Earth is out for Mac. I spent at least an hour this evening checking out places I know well. Hornby Island is not at all where I thought it was, though my experience of getting there never actually involved navigating. I've also been adding markers for friends around the world. I've added everyone who has sent me a letter. Once you have entered the data point, you can set the program to fly between them in sequence. I may never do reading again.
- What are you meant to do when you read something really unsettling on another person's blog? It's exceptionally hard to identify a person's tone over this kind of medium, especially when you don't really know them any other way. The choices seem to be to leave a comment that might miss the mark entirely or just ignore their post. Are painfully generic words used in attempted condolence better than nothing?
Milan - why would we need a Craigs List, when there's Daily Info? So much better...
Google Earth, for Macs, a Godsend is.
I know nothing of either, but I am guessing Craigslist is a North American thing.
Most assuredly. I've already added about 45 friends to a script that flies randomly around the world to places they live: addresses if I have them, otherwise just cities.
Helsinki, Osaka, Toronto, Montreal, London, Vancouver, Sooke, etc
It's one way to travel on the cheap from a rainy Oxford.
According to the Google Earth information BBS, the Manor Road Building is partially built on the site of a demolished house where J.R.R. Tolkien lived. Fascinating.
From 1947-50
Tolkien's living there, I mean.
I most certainly would no want to eat cous cous that tasted like Ainsley Harriott.
I have no idea whatsoever who he is.
susie salt and percy pepper?
he's a semi-famous english chef, he dances around the kitchen a lot.
Not watching television and mostly cooking foods based on the "add hot water" or "heat in frying pan" styles of preparation, I have little exposure to such people.
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