Much appreciated correspondence
I've already begun composing a reply that is similarly distinctive, but it will take me a while. I conversed with a number of other friends today, both my email and the five instant messengers I have configured Adium to aggregate. In particular, it was good to correspond with Astrid and converse with Meghan.
I should do another batch of reading before tomorrow's core seminar and then go to sleep early. I don't feel particularly well.
PS. While I shall not get into the specifics, this weekend showed that some hopes I had been entertaining were misplaced. While it's not a pleasant thing to learn, it's probably better than persisting in misunderstanding.
I barely know you, let alone anyone else referred to. Too bad about L, but having been through something I'm guessing vaguely similar, you're probably right. Better to move on.
Glad you like the letter. -A
As a wise friend of mine has pointed out: it is better to know, and the information could have been conveyed in a far crueler fashion.
Thanks again. I hope we see each other soon.
Gentleness is appreciated too, of course.
sometimes clarity is better than ambiguity, even when it's not the type of clarity you want...
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