Saturday, December 31

Oxford: starting to resume a term-time pitch

Toxic environmentToday went well. I got a good amount of reading done during the morning, afternoon, and early evening. Then, I had dinner with Kelly and her two sisters visiting from Alabama. Having some good, pan-fried potatoes was extremely welcome, and a reminder of so many excellent Greek restaurants left behind.

A while after dinner, our hextet (which gained two other Wadhamite members) made its way to the King's Arms for a couple of pints and a few hours of conversation. I always find it interesting to introduce people to the Oxford environment, though I am still a neophyte myself. It's the difference between being some shade of green and being absolutely, glowingly, fluorescently green. One inescapable downside: after a few hours in an English pub, my whole universe smells of tobacco smoke. Oh, the toxins.

For tomorrow night, I am invited to a party that Claire is throwing. I am taking 'black tie' to mean 'the only business suit you own.' Also, I am meant to bring some kind of dessert, as my contribution to the dinner. While suggestions are always welcome, I think I will end up scouring the myriad shops of Oxford in search of something both delicious and quite mutually acceptable.
  • There's been another great big hubbub about torture, all through the blogging universe. If you are familiar with this region of social space, you will already know what I mean. I would re-post the ambassadorial documents in question, but I think they are already widely dispersed enough as to not be in danger of suppression. If not, here is a page full of links to them. This really is something that people should care about. Torture, in any circumstance and for any reason, is basically the classic definition of a crime against humanity. This is not something we can tolerate, as citizens.
  • Anyone considering firing a gun into the air to celebrate the new year, please don't. It really kills people. Also, it reaffirms stereotypes.
  • There has been at least one really superb SG photoset in the past 24 hours. Thanks a lot, Tristan and Christina.

Posted by Milan at 12:12 AM  


  1. B posted at 12:32 AM, December 31, 2005  
    Re: Torture

    "I heard that there were 3200 prisoners in Abu Ghraib, 700 more than its capacity. I heard Major General William Brandenburg, who oversees US military detention operations in Iraq, say: ‘We’ve got a normal capacity and a surge capacity. We’re operating at surge capacity.’ A year before, I had heard the President promise ‘to demolish the Abu Ghraib prison, as a fitting symbol of Iraq’s new beginning’. I heard that outside the prison there is a sign that reads: ‘No Parking. Detainee Drop Off Zone.’"
  2. Hilary posted at 4:10 AM, December 31, 2005  
    I STRONGLY recommend making Time Warp Lemon Squares ( They are easy and impressive. (As someone comments in the responses below the recipe, the egg-replacer isn't really necessary, just omit it.) Actually I think I fed them to you once at Jonathan's birthday party. On another, unrelated, note, I read "SG" in "one really superb SG photoset" as Suicide Girls. Am I dirty? Have a great day, and thanks for the postcard (I got it yesterday).
  3. Milan posted at 11:41 AM, December 31, 2005  

    With such a strong recommendation, I will need to see what I can do, regarding Lemon Squares.

    As to the abbreviation, you are thinking rightly. Tristan and Christina got me a subscription as a gift.

    I am glad to hear you got the postcard. Was yours mailed from Tallinn or Helsinki? I sent a few from each place, one effect of which will be to test the relative efficacy of the Finnish and Estonian postal systems.
  4. Jessica posted at 12:05 PM, December 31, 2005  
    I received mine yesterday with a stamp from Helsinki.
  5. Milan posted at 12:19 PM, December 31, 2005  
    Looking over the recipe, I see that I have none of the ingredients whatsoever. Also, I lack an 8x8 pan and anywhere to really store the ingredients if I were to buy them.

    These are difficulties.


    It doesn't surprise me in the slightest that the efficient Finns have already delivered their share of the postcards.
  6. Jessica posted at 12:07 AM, January 03, 2006  
    I love the British warning lables on cigarette packages. A bit more straight-forward than the American type.

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