A modest day
In my mailbox this morning, I got the bill for my 'battles.' That is to say, all college expenses for the term. Between board and lodging, bed linen, and various levies it comes to £927.88 (C$1922) for the Michaelmas term, ending on December 3rd. I am required to pay it, along with tuition, by the 14th, but given the difficulties so far with opening a bank account, I risk missing that deadline.
I called the National Student Loan Centre, which apparently had an urgent message for me, but actually just wants me to fax them yet another copy of my driver's license and birth certificate. I can't conceive of why they could possibly need those now, so late in the application process, but I suppose I shall have to find somewhere either inside or outside the college from which I can send a fax. I can't use my own telephone and computer because my line only connects to others within Oxford. Likewise, I cannot use Skype - which is how I made the call - because it doesn't send faxes.
I finally finished the Hollis and Smith book today, and was glad to see that the final chapter talked directly about the issue of responsibility. That means I have at least one source ready for my essay.
Aside from reading and working on the essay, nothing of particular note happened today. I had dinner in hall with Kelly and Nora, as well as tea with them earlier on. After dinner, Nora and I walked for a while in Wadham's darkened gardens. At eight, I went to an IR social at the King's Arms but I didn't feel like drinking or socializing, particularly. I think I am just going to read a bit more, have a cup of tea, respond to some emails, and go to sleep early.
Who, pray-tell, is this grim, ungainly, ghastly, gaunt and ominous scholar of yore?
Could you output the fax as a sound file and then just play it into Skype?
That's 'Battels' you dolt!
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