The other thing that caught my eye at Blackwell's was a collection of large laminated wall maps of the world, each with metal strips along the top and bottom, such that they can be hung. The strict new prohibition against Blu-Tac in Wadham increases the importance of the latter feature. Given that I've just spent one hundred pounds on flights to and from Tallinn, as well as some travel insurance, now is not the time to buy such a map. At the same time, it's a thing I should definitely get eventually. I remember spending long periods of time perusing the one on the wall behind the fax machines at the law firm whose mail room I used to work in. The more time I spent within three kilometres of Wadham (35 days or so), the more I begin to fantasize about exploring much farther afield.
This evening, Nora and I drank the tea that Meghan sent me. It was a pleasant reminder of good things left behind on the west coast, and I appreciate her sending it. Thinking about Vancouver reminds me of how odd it will be to spend Christmas in Oxford. It will probably be a bit like the days in the December of my first year when Nick, Neal, Jonathan, and I occupied the near-empty dormitory for the winter solstice and "Pagan X-Box Con 2001."
Later in the evening, I had a good wander with Emily: talking about the program, upcoming papers, plans for the break, and such. She says that she can help me get some kind of decent and well-paying job in London for the period between the two years of the M.Phil. It would be incredible to both have my first 'real' job and have the chance to somewhat reduce the amount of debt I will be taking on next year. I'm also excited that she has invited me to have dinner with her and her father at some point. As I may have already mentioned, he is a sculptor who lives in Oxford and who, if I recall correctly, made the heads around the top of the Sheldonian Theatre, as well as the friars at the Blackfriars tube station in London.
The walk, up and down St. Aldate's Road and then to St. Antony's along St. Giles, was a good conclusion to a day that has restored me to some kind of productive emotional equilibrium, after the curious dip of these past two days. Now, I can get on to the serious work of drafting two papers and a presentation, all for next Tuesday.
PS. This Friday, there is to be a gathering of Oxford bloggers, at a yet-to-be-decided location. It will be interesting to meet some contemporaries of that kind. Perhaps it will offer some tips on how to improve the rudimentary formatting of this blog, as compared with the slick complexity of some of the others.
Another Vancouverite at Oxford:
this could help finding activities.
Ask and ye shall receive, and from a genuine resident of Tallinn, no less!
Snazzy new layout, though a few of the dimensions could use some tweaking.
Well, feel free to ask some more, id be glad to help.
Thank you. Actually, my friend Sarah and I are trying to locate a reasonably priced hostel in which to stay, for the time when we will be in Tallinn. If you have an idea about one that would be appropriate, it would be much appreciated.
At this point, we don't quite know how much it will cost to stay in Estonia. Some general sense of that would be useful for planning purposes, as well.
Finally, do you think it is worthwhile to take the ferry across to Helsinki? From what I've read, it takes about three hours and costs ten Euros. Would it make for a good day trip?
Im posting my answer there and ill update it tomorrow
Hi Milan, found your blog when I rather randomly googled Sarah's name to find out if she was famous yet. Apparently she isn't, at least not very. Perhaps we will meet some time over Christmas if you don't have other plans.
From Sarah's mum
This is a rather odd way to make your acquaintance, though I am glad to. I am quite excited about the trip to Tallinn with Sarah. Details will appear here.
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