Happy Birthday Lana Rupp
Today, I had my first real pang of intellectual exhaustion. The whole day was like wading through mucky weed-strewn bog: unpleasant, unproductive, and liable to make you question why you are where you are and whether you should set yourself trudging towards the nearest edge of the mire. While I was sitting in the back of the room - peppered with fellows, cheeses, and ports - I decided that if I am going to carry on to a PhD, I absolutely must do something else first. Something in a world far removed from this and hopefully more connected to the world which all this purports to examine.
The irony of the moment is that graduate work is so much more haphazard and general than the last years at UBC were. Here, we have no choice about what we study. Worse, we are thrown at narrow questions without any real context, without the perspective to judge and speak with authority or relevance. We're just picking up books and trying to smash through windows with them and, beyond identifying who can handle it and who cannot, we're not achieving a thing.
I realize that such criticisms themselves lack balance and long-term perspective, but it's often better to express an idea when it is still unsteady and vital: before the addition of stabilizing girders makes it impotent.
You should do journalism after your M.A. It would balance you out a little - put some dirt under your fingernails.
Tell me why
I don't like Mondays
I want to shoot
The whole day down
It's funny - that's how I felt when I first entered UBC.
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