Une deuxième langue

With the intention of stemming the rate at which I am forgetting my French, I am thinking of taking a refresher course at the Oxford Language Centre next term. Specifically, I was thinking about the intermediate-level LASR course (two hours a week). The LASR courses are less intensive than the OPAL ones and do not yield a formal certificate. That doesn’t matter to me, however, since I would be doing this simply to retain my own ability to work in the language.

Has anyone done a language course there? Did you find it useful? Any tips for getting accepted into one of the courses, as I am told they don’t always have enough spaces?

Author: Milan

In the spring of 2005, I graduated from the University of British Columbia with a degree in International Relations and a general focus in the area of environmental politics. In the fall of 2005, I began reading for an M.Phil in IR at Wadham College, Oxford. Outside school, I am very interested in photography, writing, and the outdoors. I am writing this blog to keep in touch with friends and family around the world, provide a more personal view of graduate student life in Oxford, and pass on some lessons I've learned here.

10 thoughts on “Une deuxième langue”

  1. You are quite unlikely to get into a LASR course for next term, unless you can get a letter saying that you need it for your course.

    French news podcasts may be a better way to brush up, at least on spoken language comprehension.

  2. I dropped in on the language centre this afternoon and they agree that it is unlikely I could get into a LASR course, at this point.

    They do have some intensive weekend courses, though unlike the free LASR courses they are £40.

    Also, there are informal lunchtime discussion sessions on Tuesdays in term-time, from noon to 2:00pm.

  3. I was at a conference at the Maison Francais this afternoon – more tomorrow morning – and three people spoke almost entirely in French. I was surprised how much I could follow of the first actually, but then decided it wasn’t worth the effort.

  4. Perhaps your supervisor could say that you need French to read… Canadian government documents?

  5. I find listening to French talk radio while I study to be an effective way of picking up the accent and training my ear.

  6. maybe there’s something for free outside of the university structure. usually in big cities (or smaller ones with internationally-renowned universities), these kinds of things exists pro bono.

  7. Anonymous,

    I considered that. I don’t think it will fly, particularly since my thesis will be submitted before next term begins.


    This I will definitely try. Does anyone know any good news podcasts in French? I am sure CBC must have some.


    The Language Centre has two-hour informal discussion periods on Tuesdays in term-time. If I cannot get into one of their actual classes, I will give that a try.

  8. I did the LASR course in french at the language centre for 1 and a half years, only giving up this term due to the BL@*DY thesis. So if you have any questions, i could be the person to ask..


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